Tuesday 2 August 2011

Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly !

Now my title says MJF as Marty McFly but in Back to the future wasn't he only marty !
He was also;
His son Marty McFly jr.

Seamus McFly

Him as a old man

His daughter Marlene McFly

and just him, Marty McFly

He nearly did all his own stunts like ; horseriding , skating , guitar (not the singing) , dragged around by a lasso ,..... All because the camera was positioned so that they would otherwise see it was not really him .

Monday 1 August 2011

Little Michael J. Fox

Michael is now 50 years old , and still he isn't one of the largest people in the world.
and some photo really proof that ;

I think that's what him makes so cute ♥

ps: I'm sorry tis is my first blog, the next one is gonna be more interesting !!! I had no inspiretion ;p
(and when I make mistakes in blog writing!! I'M SORRY !! I'm from Belgium and my english isn't perfect xp